Next October


Captain (res.) Iftach Gorny

Family man - visionary - pioneer

Born and raised in Kibbutz Na’an, one of the founding members of Moshav Be’er-Milka. Served as an officer at the elite commando unit “Sayeret Matkal”. Upon his retirement from his reserve service in Sayeret Matkal at the age of 50, he volunteered to serve in Lotar Eilat / Team Peled. On the morning of Saturday October 7th, he was called with team Peled and Lotar Eilat to secure the settlements at “Halutziot” area in the south of Gaza Envelope. There they encountered a large force of Nukhba terrorists. He was killed in a battle while defending the surroundings of the Gaza Envelope. Yiftach was 51 at the time of his falling. Left behind a wife, three children, parents, three siblings and many friends.

The Next October initiative is a visionary project aimed at harnessing Israeli innovation to honor the memory of those lost in the October 2023 Hamas War. Next October is the right response of the Western civilized world to the evil represented by the cruel Hamas murderers who started this war. More than 1,400 startup companies will be created, building new innovative products and services which will be implemented globally and add their contributions to the creation of a better world.